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        The organization is committed to promoting exchanges and cooperation in Sino-German cultural, educational, economic and technological aspects, and to providing on education and profession aspects for Chinese students of different ages, for example, high school students, undergraduates, postgraduates, doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, experts and scholars, etc..Since 2015, we have been striving to build a Sino-German technical innovation exchange and cooperation plattform for talents (international students, Chinese returnees from Germany, Chinese and German experts), and have established strategical Partnership with a number of overseas returnees and overseas Chinese organizations, associations and entrepreneurial service alliances
        Moreover, we have actively accumulated German experts and human resources through our network of German and German experts, and learned German innovation, entrepreneurial ideas and experiences, and provided a more comprehensive approach to Sino-German talent exchange and innovation and entrepreneurship cooperation service. Currently,  we are operating a competent database project Greenbase (https://greenbase.global), which is focusing on e-mobility, energy supply, environmental technology, electronics and other fields. Profiting from Berlin's vivic innovation and entrepreneurship culture and the dense networks of university, scientific research and international talents, we enable synergies by connecting competencies in various contexts, to build and operate cross-regional and international technology eco-systems